Category: Medical Tips


The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful and life-changing emotions that we can cultivate. It is a feeling of appreciation…

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chronic pain management solutions

Do You Have Inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural response of the body’s immune system to injury or infection. It is a process that helps…

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How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays!

How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays!

The holidays are a time for fun, festivities, and great food. It’s a time that we all love to indulge…

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Benefits of NAD

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to reverse or even slow down the aging process, all while…

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What is Regenerative Medicine?

For many patients with Chronic Pain, a solution can sometimes feel hopeless. Chronic Pain can be debilitating, leaving you suffering…

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Do you have Arthritis?

Arthritis affects millions of people each day and can come in many forms. Often time arthritis may become present with…

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Herniated Disk

What is a Herniated Disk?

Do you suffer from neck or back pain? Does the pain feel like it radiates down your upper and lower…

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Tennis Elbow

How to Heal Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow

Living in Arizona, Golf and Tennis are among the most popular recreational sports people play in the valley. With gorgeous…

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