One year anniversary - About Dr. Goyle -Ash_Nik - ISPW

One Year at a Glance

Happy One Year Anniversary!

One year ago today we opened Integrated Spine, Pain and Wellness! We are a clinic in Scottsdale focused on helping people manage and heal chronic pain. We offer a wide range of treatment options to help patients live an optimal life!

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be the owner and founder of a pain and wellness clinic I probably would have laughed and thought you were kidding. 10 years ago I was happy and content with the group I was in and where I was headed in my future. Let’s just say I was comfortable. I had a good amount of time-off, I worked with great people, and I was able to provide excellent patient care.

Creating my own wellness clinic was something I had always envisioned for myself, but it was something that I thought I would pursue when I retired. Later in life, when I slowed down.

So what changed…..

In 2020 when our world went through a shift I realized that I had more of a purpose to fill. After months and months of soul searching and constantly wondering, “what do I want to be when I grow up?” One day while meditating I finally had the clarity I was hoping for. At that moment I was clear that I needed to go into business for myself and create a clinic that I had always dreamed of. I had known for a while that patient care was shifting and had become different than the way I wanted to practice medicine. Patient care had become a very disconnected practice. The focus was more about putting a band aid on the problem instead of treating the underlying issue. I knew that in order to find my passion in medicine again I had to create my own space and do things the way I wanted to.


The leap

In January of 2021 I came home and told Nikki that I was going to take the plunge to start my  own practice. Luckily, she was very supportive and had been trying to communicate that I needed to go down this road for a couple of years. Before this moment I just wasn’t ready and didn’t see what she saw. As soon as we made the decision to go into business for ourselves we kept taking steps forward, not knowing anything about what we were getting into, but I knew there was something deeper driving me forward.

I was fortunate enough to be able to consult with some of the best consultants in the valley to help me get my ducks in a row. I honestly couldn’t have done what I did without them. They structured a plan and helped teach me what I needed to know about starting this new endeavor.

During the spring of 2021 Nikki and I focused our energy on creating this new space. Nikki had a vision for all of the decor and overall branding of the practice, where I focused on all of the logistics and getting our team together and finding a space that fit our needs. I wanted a space that was centrally located for all of my patients to find and get to. During this process I was excited and nervous. I was wondering if patients were going to be able to find me and if I was going to even have patients come through the door when we opened. I made sure to push away those fears and continue on my path. If you build it they will come 😉

After many months of construction, design and hard work we opened our doors. On June 1st, 2021 we were open for business. With small amounts of construction still going on, we started seeing patients. The first week was really just a soft opening to make sure we had everything working properly, but it was the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

We started ISPW with just four of us. Nikki, myself, Senona and Jesse. All of us learning as we went along. We didn’t know much a year ago, but what we did know was that we wanted to bring back the compassion and thought to patient care. We wanted patients to have an overall experience from the moment they walked through our doors. We didn’t want our practice to feel like another sterile clinic, we wanted it to be warm, inviting and peaceful. A place where you could come and relax before your appointment.




Today, one year later we feel like we have achieved that goal. Each patient that walks through our doors feels like an extended family member. Coming to work each day doesn’t feel like “work” it feels like my second home. We have built an incredible team that truly embodies all of the same values and goals as we do. We have created a happy environment where people come to feel good and get better. A place where we give them all of the tools they need to live
the best life possible.

We have added a total of two new team members to join Jesse, Senona and Andrea. Jennifer and Vencie are a great new addition to the team and are a delight to work with each day. On Wednesdays, when we do procedures we have an incredible group to make sure that each patient is thoughtfully taken care of. All of our nurses and x-ray tech, go above and beyond.

Our Goals for the future

Nikki and I have several goals for the future. We have some plans and ideas we are working on to continue to give patients more options in regards to optimizing their health. They are still in the works and should be available starting this summer. As soon as we are finished we will let you know.

As for the practice, we hope to continue to grow our team to allow us to provide excellent care to any of those that need it. We will continue to put patient care first and provide the best treatments possible. If you have any suggestions on how we can create a better experience for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We welcome any and all feedback you have for us. You can also reach us via Instagram @drashugoyle.

I want to end this post by saying a very big thank you to our patients. Without you we wouldn’t be celebrating anything. I am so grateful and honored that you chose me to be your doctor. Thank you!

Cheers to the future and continued patient care.

Here’s to good health, less pain and celebrations,

Dr. Goyle

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