Category: News & Media

Do you still have knee pain after a knee replacement?

Do you still have knee pain after a knee replacement?

One of my patients came in last week after recovering from knee replacement surgery, only to tell me that they…

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Tennis Elbow

How to Heal Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow

Living in Arizona, Golf and Tennis are among the most popular recreational sports people play in the valley. With gorgeous…

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How Gut Health Is Related To Chronic Pain

How Gut Health Is Related To Chronic Pain

Gut health is the latest health trend. Several studies and articles have been published on the importance of “gut health”…

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One year anniversary - About Dr. Goyle -Ash_Nik - ISPW

One Year at a Glance

Happy One Year Anniversary! One year ago today we opened Integrated Spine, Pain and Wellness! We are a clinic in…

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