Trigger Point Injections

At Integrated Spine, Pain, and Wellness, we're dedicated to helping our patients find relief from chronic pain and discomfort. One of the innovative treatments we offer is Trigger Point Injections (TPI), a minimally invasive procedure designed to target specific areas of muscle tension and pain. By precisely delivering medication to these trigger points, we aim to alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being.

How It Works

Trigger Point Injections involve the administration of a local anesthetic, sometimes combined with a corticosteroid or other medication, directly into the trigger points—areas of muscle tightness or knots that can cause pain and discomfort. This targeted approach helps relax the muscles, reduce inflammation, and interrupt the cycle of pain signals, providing effective relief for our patients.

Conditions Treated

Trigger Point Injections can effectively address a variety of pain syndromes, including but not limited to:


Treatment Procedures

Our experienced physicians perform Trigger Point Injections with precision and care, ensuring optimal results for our patients. The procedure typically involves:


Identifying the specific trigger points through physical examination and patient feedback


Cleansing the skin and preparing the injection site.


Administering the medication directly into the trigger points using a thin needle


Monitoring the patient's response and adjusting the treatment plan as needed for maximum effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Trigger Point Injections are effective for treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including but not limited to:

  1. Myofascial pain syndrome
  2. Fibromyalgia
  3. Tension headaches
  4. Neck pain
  5. Back pain
  6. Shoulder pain
  7. Other muscular pain syndromes

A: Unlike oral medications or physical therapy, Trigger Point Injections deliver medication directly into the specific areas of muscle tension and pain. This targeted approach allows for faster and more effective relief by directly addressing the source of discomfort.

A: Yes, Trigger Point Injections are generally suitable for individuals of all ages who are experiencing muscular pain and discomfort. However, suitability may vary depending on individual health factors, which can be assessed during a consultation with a healthcare provider.

A: Many patients experience significant relief shortly after receiving Trigger Point Injections. However, individual responses may vary, and it may take a few days to a week for the full effects of the injections to be realized.

A: Coverage for Trigger Point Injections may vary depending on individual insurance plans and providers. It’s advisable to check with your insurance company to determine coverage eligibility and any associated out-of-pocket costs.

A: Common risks and side effects associated with Trigger Point Injections may include:

  1. Temporary discomfort or pain at the injection site
  2. Bruising or swelling
  3. Allergic reactions to the medication
  4. Infection at the injection site (rare)

A: Trigger Point Injections are minimally invasive procedures that typically require minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure, although some temporary soreness or discomfort may be experienced.

A: Yes, Trigger Point Injections can often be combined with other pain management therapies or medications to enhance effectiveness and provide comprehensive relief. Your healthcare provider can help determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

A: Trigger Point Injections are minimally invasive procedures that involve the insertion of a thin needle directly into the trigger points. Compared to traditional surgical interventions, Trigger Point Injections offer a less invasive approach with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues.

A: The success rate of Trigger Point Injections varies depending on the individual’s condition, the specific trigger points targeted, and other factors. However, studies have shown that Trigger Point Injections can provide significant relief for a majority of patients, with many experiencing long-lasting benefits.


Pre and Post Guidelines

Pre-Procedure Guidelines:

Dental Work

Avoid dental procedures within seven days before the trigger Point Injections to minimize infection risks.


If sedation is required for the procedure, avoid consuming food or beverages for at least six hours prior to the scheduled appointment. Fasting helps reduce the risk of complications during sedation.

Medication Adjustments

Adjust medication use as directed by your healthcare provider.


Attend a pre-procedure consultation to discuss concerns and receive tailored instructions.

Post-Procedure Guidelines:


Avoid strenuous activities for the rest of the day.

Avoid Driving

Arrange for transportation home if sedation is administered.

Medication Management

Follow prescribed pain medications and post-procedure instructions.


Stay hydrated and monitor for any unusual symptoms or signs of infection.

Follow-Up Appointment

Attend scheduled follow-up appointments to assess progress and effectiveness of the treatment.

Let us Help You

If you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, Trigger Point Injections may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Our compassionate team is here to provide personalized care and support every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a pain-free life. Note: Please refer to your pre/post-procedure packet for specific protocols and guidelines tailored to your procedure.