Durable Medical Equipment - ISPW - Dr. Goyle

How Durable Medical Equipment Can Support Your Pain

When it comes to treating chronic pain there are many treatments and procedures that help to ease the symptoms and heal a patient’s pain. When a patient is suffering with chronic pain I like to use a multi-modality approach to help support the pain point in order to offer relief.

One form of treatment that I prescribe for my patients is Durable Medical Equipment, also known as DME. This form of equipment is used to help support and reduce the severity of a patient’s pain. It’s important to know that each treatment plan is customized for each individuals needs, based on their symptoms and medical history. Doing a thorough evaluation allows me to determine if DME would be beneficial. 


What is Durable Medical Equipment? 

Durable means long-lasting, which means these medical braces can be worn for several months to several years. DME for chronic pain offers a variety of different braces used to help support the area of pain, reducing the pain and also help to prevent further injuries. If you’re a candidate your doctor will prescribe you a brace based on the area of your pain or injury. 

This form of treatment is safe, effective and a non-invasive way to help reduce your pain and allow you to recover. These braces include: 

  • Neck braces- also known as a neck collar. This collar helps to support the spine and reduce pain symptoms due to cervical conditions. This brace helps to create an environment that allows the injury to heal.  
  • Back braces- help to support the lower back and keep your core stabilized to prevent pain and any further injury.  
  • Knee braces- support and stabilize the knee while performing daily activities. This brace also helps to prevent further injury or damage to the knee.   
  • Wrist guards- people suffering from tendonitis or carpal tunnel can see relief from using certain wrist guards/braces. They will support your wrist and allow the area to recover.    


Who’s a candidate for DME? 

DME braces are great for strengthening the injured area and giving you support while you go through the healing process. DME is also great to wear if you live an active lifestyle. The braces help protect your joints from any further injuries and also help prevent future injuries.  Here are some conditions that may benefit from the use of a DME brace:  


  • knee injuries 
  • sports injuries  
  • muscle strains  
  • bulging discs  
  • tendinitis  
  • plantar fasciitis  
  • carpal tunnel syndrome  
  • arthritis 


How do I know if I need DME? 

If you’re experiencing chronic pain you may want to speak with your doctor to find out if DME would be beneficial to you and your type of chronic pain condition. Your doctor will do a thorough physical exam  and go through your medical history to determine if DME may be able to help you during the healing process. 

Once your doctor determines which brace is right for you, he/she will then fit you for the proper brace. Many of the braces are adjustable and can be custom fit to you. Your doctor or his medical assistant will then walk you through how to properly put on and care for your brace at home. If cared for properly these braces will last you several months and possibly several years.  


Is DME covered by insurance?  

DME is usually covered by insurance. You, or your doctor’s office can call your insurance company to find out your benefits and the type of coverage you will receive for the brace. Your doctor should not send you home with one unless it is determined that the brace is covered through insurance.  



At Integrated Spine, Pain, and Wellness we specialize in a well-rounded approach when it comes to treating our patients that are suffering from chronic pain.  

We aim to empower the patient with a better quality of life using innovative techniques, complementary and alternative modalities, and evidence-based medicine to optimize patient outcomes and overall well-being.

DME is just one form of treatment that we provide for patients to help reduce their pain and give them a better quality of life. For more information on DME and if it would be right for you, give our front desk a call


Here’s to good health and less pain,

Dr. Goyle

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